TT mat suggestions...

I am looking for a new turntable mat. I have been considering one of the new funk firm mats but I see a sonic bliss mat on ebay for cheap. Does anyone have any experience with the funk firm mats or the sonic bliss? Any other suggestions in the $100 range (not going to spring for a mystic mat at this time). I have an AR ES1 TT with an Audioquest PT5 arm. The TT sets in an enclosed cabinet (no choice) if this info helps.
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I have the 5mm version of the Achromat.... And, yes I am adjusting VTA when changing the mats around. The Herbie's was a HUGE improvement over the stock rubber mat that came with my Garrard..... The Achro and Boston are more subtle improvements on the Herbie's.
what about the Ringmat? why is this suddenly "out of fasion"?
I'd like to hear from someone who has compared Ringmat to these listed above.
Try Mapleshades Record Couping System. It made a significant improvement to my analog system. Highly recommended.
I, like Cmo own the Achromat(3mm), Boston mat, and Herbies, however I also own the Harmonix TU-800EXi mat. The Harmonix mat is by far the best of the 4 but it will cost you $300. It seems insane to pay that much for a record mat but given they offer a 30 day money back guarantee, you have the choice to keep it or return it. I couldn't let mine go so now I have it at the top of the heap. It offers an element of presence that the others can't my system of course but if you search the archives you'll find more info from fellow users.
I went from a Ringmat to a Boston Audio and tried two thicknesses of the Herbies mat along the way, with side trips to various DIY mats and that (IMHO) gawdawful shelf-liner stuff. The Boston Audio currently reigns supreme on my replinthed Lenco, which replaced a TNT Mk II. Dave