Lotus cleaning system oxygenated water for LP's?

Anyone with a Tersano Lotus water cleaning/treatment system ever tried cleaning LP's with it? The concept is they add a third oygen molecule to water, and the water becomes a super cleaning agent for about 15 minutes. They claim it cleans much better and faster than Clorox, and blog postings seem to back this up, stating stains that harsh chemical cleaners wouldn't take out were dissolved by the Lotus. This is the cleaning system I'm talking about, not the drinking water system, as that unit de oxygenates the water afterwards for drinking.

The system has a sensor for contaminants to tell you when the fruit or veggies are fully clean. I wonder as a test if an LP were vertically rotated through the water, would the sensor indicate it was eventualy free of contaminates. Of course I was more thinking of using it in a VPI, and vacuuming off the water afterwards. The creator of the unit does state that ozone (O3) can be tough on some plastics and rubber, but the LP would not be my concern, since it would be in contact only once for a short time, but rather the plastic parts of the VPI machine. The inventor has indicated they will test materials that users suggest. I haven't contacted them yet about their thoughts on LP vinyl, I figured it might be good to get some ideas from this forum to querry them about.

Maybe we can get some 'heavy water' and test that, too. Oh, what we will do to put maddnes to work.
"'Wet' cleaning doesn't necessarily imply cleaning only with water. Nrchy made it clear water was the 3rd step in a multistep process."

Other than water, I'd be curious to know what other liquid base he's using in the first two steps.
'Wet' cleaning doesn't necessarily imply cleaning only with water. Nrchy made it clear water was the 3rd step in a multistep process."

Other than water, I'd be curious to know what other liquid base he's using in the first two steps.

I don't know what Nate's answer will be, but in my case the other liquid is Premier, a product of Micro Care.

This is the only product other than the original "First" by Nitty Gritty that dissolves mold release and other contaminates in one application.

First was banned by the EPA many years ago, I have only one bottle left that I keep as a reference against other cleaners.

Premier is based on Vertrel, a Dupont substitute for Freon that seems to be equally effective and yet safe for the environment (as far as we currently know).

Like First, Premier should be followed by Record Research, Lloyd Walkers cleaner, Audio Intelligent or whatever you're currently supporting as best.

In any case, there is no doubt that removing debris from old and new LP's improves sound.

This was true with my Nitty Gritty, which was clearly beaten by my VPI 17F and improved again when I upgraded to the Odyssey RCM, which is basically a hot rod version of the Keith Monks, but built in Germany.

OP made a slight misstep in describing the process. From what I can tell the Tersano is a water ozonator, it generates ozone (03) in water and uses it as a cleaner / sterilant.

This should be very effective as long as the substrate (the vinyl) is ozone resistant. PVC is one of the materials of choice used in ozonation systems because of its ozone resistance, since we don't know what else there is in a given vinyl formulation the rest is up to chance.

Mark Kelly