Hello RW, Definitely no argument with what you've said, all makes sense, and I totally agree with the statement of "the more you toy with these delicate things, the more chance for disaster.
One has to get a mindset, that this is how it MUST be done, and to never deviate, ot to have to many glasses of your favorite elixer while doing so.
As I mentioned in my last post though, wet methods may be suitable for some newer Cartridges, but other manufactures caution, and refrain as I say.
A newer ZYX UNIverse, or Lyra Titan Cartridge is not a Shure V-15 of old. Believe when I say this, in that if a new Stylus-Cartridge is ruined due to incorrect cleaning methods-products, send it back to the manufacturer for repair-replacement, they they will more than likely recognize what caused the failue, and void said warrantee. They built em, and they know what messes them up, and how. Manufacturers get Cartridges back every day of the week for mistakes the end user has caused.
Linn used to suggest a matchbook striker to clean a Stylus. This might not in any way hurt a Diamond, the hardest substance known to man, but what might this material do to a Cantilever, or Stylus Adhesive?
To the other poster in regards with the Onzow Zerodust, and raising the product to the Stylus. Here is where one can make an easy mistake. The actual pressure you may be applying may be many times higher than your VTF weight. By dunking you might be applying 2g, by manually raising the product to Stylus, you may be applying 10-15 grams and overflex the Cantilever, and suspension? Hard to say, when a person doesn't actually have a VTF scale built in to thier fingertips?
One could make a little base out of a piece of wood?, that the Zerodust can be set on to be a Platter height. Set on base of turntable, and dunk to your heart's content?
I do hope you folks see my posts as trying to be helpful, not snobbish, as heck, I don't profess to be any expert, but have taken good common sense advice from others here in this forum. Mark