Micro Fiber Cloth for Record Cleaning

Anyone using these? Someone on the Steriophile forum suggested that they're superior to carbon fiber brush. I bought a bag of 25 at Sam's today and started using them. They do indeed seem to get down in the groves. I played several brand new records which I hadn't scrubbed with Disc Doctor fluid and brushes and all were VERY quiet. I tried wiping the carbon fiber brush with micro fiber cloth and it did seem to clean the brush well, but the brush didn't grab into the grooves as well.

Be careful. One slipped out my hands and went spinning toward my one-hour old Sumiko Blackbird. Thankfully I grabbed the cloth before it wrecked the bird.

I use three microfiber cloths for routine record care. The first, wetted with distilled water, is used to distribute my home-brew cleaning solution over the surface of the LP after a preliminary soak. The LP is then thoroughly rinsed under running tepid tap water (the local water is very soft and clean) and then with distilled water. The second microfiber cloth is used to dry the LP. I use the third for dusting before play as others have described above. Brushes no longer touch my records. And I haven't had a single static problem since I commemced this routine.

A local retailer cleans LPs for $1 a time on a Nitty Gritty machine but I've been moderately disappointed with the results, especially from charity shop buys. Re-cleaning the LPs with the microfiber cloths gives a much better result - near perfect in most cases.
I just set my father up with the $5 Wal-mart analog cleaning kit:

2 microfiber pads (from auto department)
- One for a damp clean
- One for a dry clean
1 bottle of 91% alcohol
1 box of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
I'm trying to find the right kind or brand of micro fiber cloth for cleaning records. Does anyone have any new contributions or favorite clothes they now use since this thread was last updated?

The micro fiber clothes (I use them on everything) are particularly good after steaming the record.
If it's good enough for a $300,000 car, it's good enough for my $30.00 record.

I use the MT-1000.
