Best Cartridge for Less than $500

I have a SOTA Comet turntable with a Rega 300 tonearm and a Grado Gold cartridge. I would like to upgrade my cartridge and am looking for recommendations. My budget is $500. (The rest of my setup includes a Dynavector P75 phono-preamp and Aragon 8008BB power amp.)

Look at a pre-owned Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood for under $400. or stretch for a Maestro for up to ~$600. Both are tremendous values under $1K, IMHO.
I think the Dynavector DV 20XL would be perfect and it's supposed to be synergistic with your phono stage as well.
Check out the Denon DL 103R, a great value for the money (and well under $500)...