Redtop, Not singling you out, nor do I disbelieve your personal findings, but was just bringing across some points, about variables. Those same "variables" could just as easily take place, with me buying a used ZYX UNIverse Cartridge from a over-optimistic seller, who "claimed" it had very low hours, when in truth the Cartridge hypothetically had 2000+ hours.
After finding that this beat to hell ZYX Cartridge is sounding funny, and not performing anywhere near what it is claimed to do, I then turn around, and claim to the world that the UNiverse is a POS Cartridge, that people are looney to waste thier hard earned money on such a Cartridge, and a new Benz Ace I then bought easily bested the UNIverse.
I don't disagree with what you, or Johhnyb53 could possibly say that yes, buying a 30-35 year old Shure "could" be a crap shoot, and one could buy a pig in a poke, or get themselves a wonderful Cartrdge. Too many people today will fit these Shures with really junk aftermarket Stylus', then wonder why the sound lacks.
My Shure was never dull as you've found, I always used genuine Shure VN-35E, or VN-35HE Stylus, and today use it with the JICO SAS Stylus. I don't have to do a comparo, I already have, with the Shure mounted on a Vintage Denon Table with Grace DA-307 Arm.
Again, another blanket statement that Shure was the main reason CD came along, and everybody left Vinyl. I never did, even though I did also buy digital way back then. My Shure V-15 sonically bested any digital back then, and today still sounds fantastic.
And yes, I do now use a new ZYX Airy 3X. Mark