low tracking force cartridge recommendations?

hey, i'm new here (and also relatively new to the audiophile analog world), so i could really use some advice on my "new" turntable, which will very likely end up being a Dual 1019. from all of my research and speaking with people, it would seem to me that Dual recommended using cartridges that have a low tracking force. my understanding of that is limited, but i do have some idea of what that means.

being my first turntable in many many years, i am not looking to spend a fortune on cartridges - i figured i could spend $100 to $200 at most, and have found many that fall into that price range. some have recommended an Ortofon Super OM 30 to me, others pointing towards a Shure M97 XE. the repair shop that is looking over the turntable was saying a decent Audio-Technica might just be the best route... there are so many choices that my head is spinning.

one thing i did learn is that i apparently should be using a Moving Magnet cartridge since I will be using this table through a Bellari VP129 pre-amp, which I also just purchased.

i will primarily be listening to jazz and old rock records on this unit on a not-particularly hi-fi setup, though having the tube preamp was important to me since i'd love to hear stuff through my Grado SR 125's.

so, knowing all of that, what sort of cartridges would you recommend? i'd be thrilled to find something for $50 that sounds good and won't harm my records, but as i said, would be willing to spend a bit more if that will get me something significantly better.

thank you!
Stay as far away from a shure v 15 as you can.
A m 91 or m 95 sound better.
A cheap grado will sound better.
Id get a at 440mla.Especialy if i had dull sounding tweeters.
Redtop, would you care to ponder a guess, as to how many V-15's were sold by Shure?

There was good reason as to why they were so popular, they were back then a very tough Cartridge to beat, and a good example can still hold it's own today.

Problem is, with any Cartridge, there's too many variables, and of course too many mixed experiences with any one piece of gear.

For any Cartridge made, there will be proponents, and of course detractors. I've seen it here even with top of the line ZYX, Dynas, Koetsu's, you name it.

The Shure V-15 was not junk as you make it out to be, particularly the V-15 Type III. Thousands of happy owners prooved that, and this Cartridge is still sought after 30 years later. Just look to that famous auction site. One day you might happen to watch, as a NOS V-15 goes into bidding wars to acquire.

Besides having a good Cartridge, with good Stylus, everything else down the line can make, or break a Cartridge's sound.

No, I'm not going to try BS'ing anybody that the V-15 is some magical end all, and will compare to a $7400 ZYX UNIverse, that would be ludicrous. Mark
Markd51...Spending $74000 for ANY phono cartridge...now that's ludicrous!! I went back to a Shure V15 after a spell with various MC cartridges. The MCs were nice, but not enough better than the Shure to justify all the hassles, for example stylus replacement. And I never have to worry about mistracking.
LOL! the v 15 is about as good as a 75 buck cart.
Let me tell you a little story about my v 15 experence.
I bought one on the recomendations of many i saw on the internet.
What a bouch of bsers!Or maybe just exagerators.I put it in my first system bought a arm to match it perfectly and what did i get?
I got a system that sounded flat with a cd quality.I matched my cables to the 500 pf that shure calls for.I got to 450 pf i did.No help whatsoever.
I have a tube amp system and a ss system.My tube amp system was beating my vinyl system easily.Guess how much i paid for my digital front end?50 bucks at best buy!A 50 buck dvd player was blowing off a well set up record player.Not by a little but alot!Ive spent more than a few bucks on a table too.Ive got a sota cosmos.
I pulled my hair out trying to make this v 15 clunker sing.
So i ditched it and got a new cart.Guess what the shure clunker was the whole problem.
Ive never seen a better discription of a shure v 15 than the reason cd started to beat it out.It truely is a dull sounding pos.
I find it interesting you wasted so much time listening to it.Id bet you have alot of good times wraped up in it.Haveing spent so many thousands of hours with it?
Haveing a sentamental attachment to a cart does not mean its good just that your used to a certain sound.
You use a zxy why not try a test? swap them out?I dare you!Lets see if its truely the table then the arm then the cart.
Id bet that clunker will give you a real wake up call if you take my challenge?
The v 15 had its time its been bettered by every cart i used in my first post.
You cheerleading for the v 15 won't change that.
Lastly why did you single me out other's said the v 15 sucked too?
Redtop, Not singling you out, nor do I disbelieve your personal findings, but was just bringing across some points, about variables. Those same "variables" could just as easily take place, with me buying a used ZYX UNIverse Cartridge from a over-optimistic seller, who "claimed" it had very low hours, when in truth the Cartridge hypothetically had 2000+ hours.

After finding that this beat to hell ZYX Cartridge is sounding funny, and not performing anywhere near what it is claimed to do, I then turn around, and claim to the world that the UNiverse is a POS Cartridge, that people are looney to waste thier hard earned money on such a Cartridge, and a new Benz Ace I then bought easily bested the UNIverse.

I don't disagree with what you, or Johhnyb53 could possibly say that yes, buying a 30-35 year old Shure "could" be a crap shoot, and one could buy a pig in a poke, or get themselves a wonderful Cartrdge. Too many people today will fit these Shures with really junk aftermarket Stylus', then wonder why the sound lacks.

My Shure was never dull as you've found, I always used genuine Shure VN-35E, or VN-35HE Stylus, and today use it with the JICO SAS Stylus. I don't have to do a comparo, I already have, with the Shure mounted on a Vintage Denon Table with Grace DA-307 Arm.

Again, another blanket statement that Shure was the main reason CD came along, and everybody left Vinyl. I never did, even though I did also buy digital way back then. My Shure V-15 sonically bested any digital back then, and today still sounds fantastic.

And yes, I do now use a new ZYX Airy 3X. Mark