Considering going Vinyl--Please talk me out of it

I'm standing here on the vinyl cliff,peering over the edge...I had a TT in the eighties & nineties, an AR with the Underground Sound mods by George Merrill from Memphis, TN. It got destroyed in a series of moves, and my vinyl disappeared. I have a perfectly good CD player(Denon 1650AR),EAD PM2000 amp & EAD Ovation plus prepro, & thiel 2.3's. I would need a phono preamp before I could run whatever TT I obsess over enough to buy, as the Ovation has no phono stage. Push me over, or save me! mb
If you don't already have a huge collection of Vinyl music that you desperately want to hear again (all that older nostalgic stuff in the attic or basement) then you need to ask yourself why all of sudden do you now show interest?

This is not something you just do because you want to collect and trade things like this and this

Vinyl collecting is primarily about the music. The music should lead you to Vinyl, IMHO.

If you struggle to find what you want on current formats and have a treasure trove of older stuff stashed away then by all means go for it.
You'll be sorry if you DO (get into vinyl) addition to what's been said, I believe there is a cult issue with this, and since hi end audio is a cult to begin with (ask your friends who are non-audiophiles), the cult within the cult just sucks the life out of bang for the buck. I grew up with lps. And jumped to CDs as soon as they became available. I still have a turntable and my old lps and once in a while I buy a used lp...but if someone pointed a gun to my head and said, choose one, CD's would win hands down.
All those telling you not to go vinyl are correct.
But if you do,one evening,if all the planets are aligned just right and I mean JUST RIGHT you will experience something you never imagined you could feel.
I guess that makes all the problems of vinyl playback worth it.
Good Luck!!