Considering going Vinyl--Please talk me out of it

I'm standing here on the vinyl cliff,peering over the edge...I had a TT in the eighties & nineties, an AR with the Underground Sound mods by George Merrill from Memphis, TN. It got destroyed in a series of moves, and my vinyl disappeared. I have a perfectly good CD player(Denon 1650AR),EAD PM2000 amp & EAD Ovation plus prepro, & thiel 2.3's. I would need a phono preamp before I could run whatever TT I obsess over enough to buy, as the Ovation has no phono stage. Push me over, or save me! mb
A lot of very interesting replies here, but I have to say Elizabeth's is the best. I love it!

Yes, less expensive than sailing, but you will still experience moments of being becalmed... and moments of running with the wind. Coming about!
Don't do it unless you have easy access to used records at a good indie record store-- unfortunately a dying breed. Amassing a large collection of desireable LPs at a record store will cost a fraction of building a collection through ebay or other web sources. Most people would be better off upgrading to a better digital front end, which these days can surpass many turntables.
You'd be surprised what you can do on the used market. But even so, good vinyl does take a little sweat equity.
Vinyl has elevated my audio bug from "an expensive pastime" to "a ruinously expensive hobby". Come to the Broke Side, Luke...

Having two different kinds of source, different but equal imo, has more than doubled the fun factor of the rig. The pix appended to my System contribution show how.
cheers apo