Free 24-bit tracks download from Linn

In case you didn't receive email from Linn. It is offering free download of studio master tracks for the holiday again. Here is the link:
I just realized there is a new one every day. Guess I missed a few but just got another one for today. Awesome.
You can catch up on the ones you missed for a little fee if you like. I missed a few days while on vacation, fortunately I listened to the samples and I think I can live without the two that I missed. They did this last year as well.

For those who use apple products: they just started a FREE twelve days of xmas app with music and videos. Ho, Ho, Ho!

Season Greetings!!!
I ended up being able to get 11 of them. All studio masters at 24/96 or 24/192. Not a bad deal for free :)
I only missed one and they allowed, for the final couple of days, up to three additional that you might have missed. So I was able to get all of the titles.

Thanks again for posting this and thanks again to Linn Audio for doing this!