Just got this tonearm for my ScoutMaster. A great addition I might add. I haven't experimented with the damping yet. This will come. But I was wondering what differences I might hear with it damped? I'm using a DV 20XL cartridge. Thanks
Thanks for the recommendation Stringreen. I've heard good things about the Gingko. Many also recommend the sandbox. However I have found that the benefits of the SB are highly dependant upon the platform material that is used atop the sand. I tried MDF and that was too much damping. I found that Travertine tile was a good material to use. It livened things up and gave better definition throughout the spectrum. It worked well with the ScoutMaster with standard arm. I started to play with Maple as well, thus my 4" platform. It didn't work as well as the SB but that was while using the std arm. My next project will be to try maple atop the sand of the sandbox, which I have heard is the best of both worlds. I am a woodworker so I have the ability and tools to do the projects. I should note that my sandbox is a 2 piece unit with a separate box for the motor. I have talked to Harry at VPI who liked the idea very much. FWIW, he suggested that I remove the rubber feet from the motor and replace them with machine screws. He said it would improve the sound, but I can't say that I have heard any difference.
I've experimented with damping with my Scoutmaster/20 XL, and found that about 1/3 full(maybe a bit less) is beneficial. Too much, as has been pointed out, isn't good, but for me, a bit is better than none.
Artemus_5 i experimented with the motor on my aries 3 and found the best was putting isoblocks split in half under the motor. i use three. in my case a 2 inch maple platform with brass triplepoints between TT and platform and isoblocks under the platform to my rack. smooth frequency response top to bottom no smearing and crystal clear highs. of coarse YRMV. on damping i like mine without any. it deadens the music to much for me even a small amount. from what i've read above you are into finding what works for you by trial and error just like i have. good luck
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