Mapleshade integrated Record COUPLING System

Anyone using this? I have a VPI Aries 1 turntable. I like the idea of the VPI Periphery ring but it is expensive and I would first have to upgrade my platter to a newer on that is compatable with the ring. Does the Mapleshade product help at all with playing mildy warped records or is it something else altogether? Are there any products other than the VPI periphery ring that help deal with warps?
Piedpiper,I don't resent anyone trying to make a buck!!But I still think $1800 for the upgrade is expensive.As far as someone who brings something to market at a lower price.Well if it's as good and works as good.And the maker can live with his profit margin than God Bless them for doing it.Some audio products have such outragious market ups,cart,cables etc.That it's refreshing to find company's with the "integrity" to bring quality products to market at reasonable costs.It's up to the free market to decide what is a fair price,we speak with our wallets.Maybe the vpi is really hard to make I do not know..I really didn't mean to upset anyone with the justify remark.At some point some of these costs are made up buy the manufacturer and should be passed on to the customer if they really care about their customers,right.And yes I do understand,r&d,adv,dist,etc.Having spent over 20+yrs in both the wholesale end and the retail end of this business.It's a free market and always will be and I am glad for the independent small companies that survive.Just letting some frustration out!!
I think Randyhat (great name but hard to imagine) wanted to know about the Mapleshade product. The thread has turned into a referendum on the VPI ring clamp. Like Randy, I too would like to hear from anyone who has had a go at the Mapleshade products.
I figured I was painting with a broad brush; no offense intended or taken.

Back to M'shade, a company that, IMHO, is committed to fair prices but still attracts detractors for them.

dealer disclosure.