Good turntables w/o record clamps

What are the decent turntables out there, used or new in the 2k - 3k range, that do not use or need record clamps?
This doesn't really help you since it's out of your price range at about $5K, but my Raven One table sounds best (to me) with no clamp and no mat.

On my previous table, WTT - a clamp was required, so it's nice not to have to use one- even though my Raven did come wth one.
why is it so important to have a TT that does not require the use of a record clamp. If it's because it is inconveniet? Than vinyl is not your bag.
I found that tables "requiring" clamps could sound as good or better without them. Nothing to do with convenience or inconvenience. My old VPI TNT Mk. II had a threaded spindle, but sounded a bunch better with a Boston Audio Mat I (and no clamp) than with a $250 carbon fiber (BDR) clamp. For that matter, it sounded better with a Ringmat. It's worth trying ANY table clampless and see what you think, IMHO at least. Dave
Roksan Xerxes (at least the earlier ones) and Linn TTs don't use clamps. The Xerxes is a very fine table, even in its earliest versions.