Good turntables w/o record clamps

What are the decent turntables out there, used or new in the 2k - 3k range, that do not use or need record clamps?
Honest1; I don't think it prevents much but, I have a can of compressed air and I "puff" the platter before I put my record on it.
12-17-07: Lewm said:
"The clamp is kind of a "tweak". As with all tweaks, there will be some who swear by it and some who hate it or are indifferent to its use. So, in the end with any table, it will be a matter of your own opinion based on your own listening."

OT response:
True, for the most part, but some ceramic, mattless platters are pretty slick and really need a clamp to couple the disc with the platter.

My SOTA sounds great just with the Vac outer hold down system, I use the reflex clamp for records with a bit of warp.
Dcstep, Then you would agree with my inference that the decision to use a clamp will be in part determined by the nature of the record mat (or the absence of one in your case).

More controversial to me is the advent of ring clamps used to hold LPs down at their periphery. Seems like a great idea for really taming warps, but I am sure I would destroy my cartridge in very short order by snagging the stylus on the metal ring.