No its not the same as VTA. Overhanng adjustment proceeds as follows: A good idea is to put some tape on the turntable platter so that it will not move when tinkering with this. With your arm you should have received a gizmo that looks like a graph with vertical and/or horizontal lines. It may be made of cardboard, paper, steel, plastic or any number of materials. Most of them have a hole, or an indication where your spindle should be used. Put the guage on the spindle and carefully position the sylus on the indicated spot (either an x or a dot, etc. Make very sure that the cartridge lines up with the lines on the guage by loostening the attaching screws of the cartridge and moving it forward, or back so that it aligns PERFECTLY with the lines on the guage and that the stylus is simultaneously sitting exactly on the indicated mark (the x or dot on the guage). Sometimes there are 2 places for this adjustmentment...both places should absolutely line up without moving the guage or turntable platter, but only by repositioning the arm/cartridge. When this is carefully done, tighten the cartridge screws, and recheck your work. If it is not correct, correct it. If you didn't get a guage with your table, you can get one free via the internet..check "free tools" on, or you can buy one from your local or internet purveyer of stereo goodies.