what is this noise caused from possibly

New to phono. have project 2xperience and tube box se2. cj preamp and amp and b&w speakers. Now, some records play just fine and sound great to me, (not ever really listening to vinyl). All my records are new 180g and 200g. I have a new vpi record cleaning machine and last stylus cleaner and preserve or something. On some notes I get a screathing sound if that is the way to describe it. most noticable whan not much music is going on and for example norah jones, sings softly (good) when she reaches down and lets out a bigger note (screathy) mostly right at the beginning of the note. With lots of piano and soft voice all is good i think. by the way this happens in one speaker and not the other. Tryed adjusting tracking force from min to max. antiskate is properly installed. tone arm seems to be parrallel to record. don't know how to adjust azimuth and manufacturer sais its adjusted from the factory. will listen to more records and see if I notice it more.
No its not the same as VTA. Overhanng adjustment proceeds as follows: A good idea is to put some tape on the turntable platter so that it will not move when tinkering with this. With your arm you should have received a gizmo that looks like a graph with vertical and/or horizontal lines. It may be made of cardboard, paper, steel, plastic or any number of materials. Most of them have a hole, or an indication where your spindle should be used. Put the guage on the spindle and carefully position the sylus on the indicated spot (either an x or a dot, etc. Make very sure that the cartridge lines up with the lines on the guage by loostening the attaching screws of the cartridge and moving it forward, or back so that it aligns PERFECTLY with the lines on the guage and that the stylus is simultaneously sitting exactly on the indicated mark (the x or dot on the guage). Sometimes there are 2 places for this adjustmentment...both places should absolutely line up without moving the guage or turntable platter, but only by repositioning the arm/cartridge. When this is carefully done, tighten the cartridge screws, and recheck your work. If it is not correct, correct it. If you didn't get a guage with your table, you can get one free via the internet..check "free tools" on Enjoythemusic.com, or you can buy one from your local or internet purveyer of stereo goodies.
Beerdraft, there was a cardboard overhang/cartridge alignment tool that came in the parts package with the table. You might look for it. I used it to first set up my experience2. I now have a VPI Scout, which has a metal jig for set-up, and a DB systems tool, and I use 'em both, and check set-up using first the VPI jig, then the DB systems, and if it's right on both, then I'm pretty sure I've nailed it. The cardboard one that comes with the table works pretty well, so I'd use it, if you can locate it. Good luck, Dan
okay I'm really goin' crazy now. I'm thru adjusting, give up. I'm toaking it back as I've already taken it to the dealer once and they said they had it right and it wasn't. I'm thinking I've got to get rid of this table. All things happen for a reason and maybe this is telling me I'm not going to be happy with this table down the road. I'm going to ask to upgrade or get a new one. If I upgrade, I'm sure I'll have to stick with the project line. Which project table is going to give me the best experience? Obviously the answer is the rm10 I think the top of the line but is it worth $2599 or would I be just as well with one of the models at about $1500 I think the rm9 and one other is at this price? nither of these come with a cartidge and I don't know what the minimum cartridge one of these players deserve. Advice please, I've made up my mind to move on up a little.
If they say the set-up is right, maybe the table/arm isn't the problem. The problem may lie in the cartridge. The Sumiko Pearl is a very underwhelming cartridge, to say the least. I would ask the dealer if he has a good demo cartridge he can mount in it, and see if that's the problem. The Experience2 isn't that bad a table, and my advice is if it turns out to be the cartridge, get a replacement cartridge, a little better-sounding one, (and obviously one that works), and keep the table you have and get used to how it works, how to set it up, and then after you've had it a while, then maybe you'll have a little better idea of what your next move should be. Just my opinion, but small steps at first might be the way to go.
Regards, and best of luck, Dan