Hey Tiger,Stereo Exchange no longer sells used gear.They made a switch to home theatre around the year 2000.I miss their large section in the back where they sold equipment on the left and speakers on the right side.Actually,the high end minded people from old SE formed In Living Stereo in a place that i believe,was the original Stereo Exchange in the 70s.
Used Record Stores & Audio Gear in NYC
Hi I'll be visiting NYC at the end of the month. Staying at the Sheraton (I think). The hotel is beside/behind the site of the former World Trade Center.
Anyone in NYC know of a good used record store that I should check out. A large variety of music would be preferable. However, I primarily listen to and am looking for alternative rock (Beck, Red Hot Chili Peppers etc), American hardcore, old school hip hop (Tribe Called Quest, EPMD, Guru Jazzmatazz, Beastie Boys etc), Blues, and funk.
And of course, classic good ole rock and roll. But I can find those almost anywhere.
Are the record shops found in an "area" or are they spread out over the 5 boroughs.
As well, any must-go-to Audio stores. Mostly interested in used gear, especially analog and speakers.
I only have a day, so any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone in NYC know of a good used record store that I should check out. A large variety of music would be preferable. However, I primarily listen to and am looking for alternative rock (Beck, Red Hot Chili Peppers etc), American hardcore, old school hip hop (Tribe Called Quest, EPMD, Guru Jazzmatazz, Beastie Boys etc), Blues, and funk.
And of course, classic good ole rock and roll. But I can find those almost anywhere.
Are the record shops found in an "area" or are they spread out over the 5 boroughs.
As well, any must-go-to Audio stores. Mostly interested in used gear, especially analog and speakers.
I only have a day, so any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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- 20 posts total
- 20 posts total