I own a Titan/Vector/Basis Debut combination feeding a Viva Fono phonostage (tube based). I like the "quickness" of the Titan and its wide open top end, and its very precise and unequivocal placement of instruments. I had the chance to listen to a friend's Orpheus in my system. While I did not experiment with loading of the Orpheus (extremely difficult with the Viva), this cartridge sounded GREAT. It is more upper midrange present and slightly more full-bodied than the Titan, but, it has a touch lesstop end openness and speed. Personally, I like both cartridges and would not find it easy to pick between them.
A good friend has two arms on a Basis 2800 -- the Vector and a Phantom, and has both a Titan and the Orpheus that I borrowed. For whatever reason, he slightly prefers the Vector for both cartridges, but I can't say why. He prefers the Orpheus to the Titan.
That same Orpheus spent time in yet another friend's system before that person also bought his own Orpheus. In that system, it was mounted on an SME 309. In at least one respect, namely tracking, the Orpheus performed better in the SME than in either the Phantom or Vector. This is based on the use of an old Shure test record that plays music at increasingly higher modulation level. We use this test to set antiskating, and it was clear that the Orpheus was handling higher levels with the SME (in real world listening, this would not matter as the Orpheus does not mistrack in any of the arms we used).
I own a Titan/Vector/Basis Debut combination feeding a Viva Fono phonostage (tube based). I like the "quickness" of the Titan and its wide open top end, and its very precise and unequivocal placement of instruments. I had the chance to listen to a friend's Orpheus in my system. While I did not experiment with loading of the Orpheus (extremely difficult with the Viva), this cartridge sounded GREAT. It is more upper midrange present and slightly more full-bodied than the Titan, but, it has a touch lesstop end openness and speed. Personally, I like both cartridges and would not find it easy to pick between them.
A good friend has two arms on a Basis 2800 -- the Vector and a Phantom, and has both a Titan and the Orpheus that I borrowed. For whatever reason, he slightly prefers the Vector for both cartridges, but I can't say why. He prefers the Orpheus to the Titan.
That same Orpheus spent time in yet another friend's system before that person also bought his own Orpheus. In that system, it was mounted on an SME 309. In at least one respect, namely tracking, the Orpheus performed better in the SME than in either the Phantom or Vector. This is based on the use of an old Shure test record that plays music at increasingly higher modulation level. We use this test to set antiskating, and it was clear that the Orpheus was handling higher levels with the SME (in real world listening, this would not matter as the Orpheus does not mistrack in any of the arms we used).