Graham Phantom vs Triplaner

Wondering about the sonic traits of both these arms compared to each other.

- which one has deeper bass,
- which one has the warmer (relative) balance
- which one is compatible with more cartridges
- which one has the better more organic midrange
- which one has the greater treble detail.
- which one plays music better ( yes this is a more subjective question ).
- which one goes better with say the TW acoustic raven TT.
Hi Dan, I agree but I see it from a different view:
I have an amp, I tweak it with a better power cord, good cables, isolation platform, better connectors etc. and I enjoy it. After a while I bring another amp to my system, stock, unmodified and it blows away the modded one.
And the modded one will go because better is better...
In my opinion I don't care how it was made, I compare it and when it is better than the other one which has a direct cable, I don't care about direct cabling.
Here and now counts. The Graham beats them ALL even with some connections. Genius has nothing to do with some connections, he did it right. And only that counts (for me).
I strongly believe in facts, not in theoretical discussions.
Why do I write that? I guess, I want to honor someone who really tries to move something for a fair price to the discriminated analog lover in this business where Average is going to become The Reference. Not for me, but this is my personal view.
Hello me mateies I've googeled looking for the Graham p2 tone arm and non found.
Even at Graham engineering web site is this p2 arm that new.
What's described on the refined sounds from pre 90s lps is how I would describe
the sound I'm getting from my TP included system. This is a true fact for me
the more I remove from the arm that's not needed the better the sound. I'm about ready to hear what removing the curing devise yields.

Talk to Dan_ed...he's already there with his TP (and a braver man than I).

So, lots of tri-planar owners the talk about the tiny cartridge voltages needing a "unbroken path" or least broken via the tri planars integral cable.

Seems like this design point maybe taking a back seat to a other portions of a arms design? The Graham has the most breaks on the major arms (sme, tri, graham)
Dan, I agree, the P2 sould be better if it had a continuous run. I guess every design is a sum of strengths and weaknesses.

Syntax and i have tried each tonearm in the same system and pretty much share similar opinions of the sonic differences.

My goal was to offer some descriptions of the two by actual side by side comparisons in my system as opposed to speculation, extrapolation or second-hand opinions.

Maybe it is better to speculate, etc since it fosters debates with no clear winner or loser....

Oh well, in the end if you get a chance give both a listen and see what you like. You may even disagree with our read on these two.

Have fun!!
