What is the BEST phono stage

I own a manley steelhead, & am wondering which phono pre amps are better. I plan on keeping the manley for my current system. My new system will be Basis diamond vacuum hold table, Graham phantom arm, Dynavector XV1S, Mcintosh C2200 tube preamp,pair of MC2000 tube amps, Klipsch Khorn,modded w/ xtreme slope ALK crossovers,and Trachorn. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
I agree with Topoxforddoc- give the Tron Seven some consideration. I had a Steelhead and sold it for the Tron Seven. It sounds wonderful with my Raven TT, Graham Phantom and Air Tight PC-1 and is less expensive than the Steelhead. Call Jeff Catalano at Highwater Sound to discuss if you have interest.
Good luck with your search.
Tjnif, I too am using the Debut but with Vector 4 and Orpheus. If you are not getting the Synchro Wave PS may I suggest you do?

I have recently changed from a Xono to the ASR Basis Exclusive and I am very, very impressed with the ASR from every performance parameter. You will not find a quieter phono stage and the low level detail retrieval is exceptional. You will hear things you have never heard on your recordings before. Add to this great sound staging with all instruments clearly defined on that sound stage and the depth is again top notch. Follow up service and advice from Herr Schafer and his team in Germany is excellent. Can you tell I am happy with the ASR? You need to hear it!
Congratulations on the ASR Basis phonostage.
I won't be up and running with my ASR until my record player arrives.
REALLY looking forward to it. I did hear it in a system of a fellow I bought his ASR Emitter from.
Worth every penny.
Onhw61, thanks for your response, in regards to hooking up Manley,I had a Hum and wanted to make sure 100% it was hooked up right as I had a C2300 which was MUCH quieter, I changed cables, screwed around w/ tubes,outlets ect...Finally i decided to read the directions of the C2200 (imagine that) and low and behold....I had to reconfigure settings! When all else fails follow directions! And yes without a doubt I want dealer help,Gon member help,auditions ect... Thanks everyone!