Please,reccomend "rock" cart. for under 1K

I am currentjy using Shelter 501mkII on Michell tt but not getting satisfaction listening to hard rock,funk or fusion.Shelter is a good cart but is not really suited for slamming dynamics.For example,drums in the intro to Money for Nothing sound lightweight and cardboardy.The same goes for PF "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" Should i go mm ,get a higher output cart?Is there a good cartridge that plays rock with all the bells and whistles for under 1k?Your reccomendations will be appreciated.
I wonder if you can do the TWL mod on that arm? I would also be curious what would happen with a little extra weight above the cartridge would do.
Military issue?

The TWL mod will work on the B600. I don't think it needs the extra mass on the cart, but you could try it.

I was thinking the extra weight might help decide if it is the cartridge or phono stage. It would be ashame to spend money in the wrong direction. ;-)
I think Kurt tank already asked this question... Does your phono stage have enough gain to handle your .4mv cart? if not, then go with the MM or the higher output MC.