What to expect in a TT upgrade?

I've owned a well tempered classic table for many years. I've enjoyed it but have always found it a bit challenging to set up. (make sure the cartridge is alligned properly)I think consequently, I've never gotten the performance out of it I should have. Recently, I purchased a new pre that came with a really nice phone stage. (Joule) I've been considering purchasing a new table/arm or purchasing a new cartridge such as a shelter 501. My budget for the table/arm/cartridge would be in the $ 2,500 - $ 3,000 range. Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts about what is the best way to go. If I did get a new table, I would want one that is fairly easy to set up. Thanks for any input on this decision.
Hello redcarrera,
If I was one, who perhaps drifted off on another Tangent, adressing another poster, then I hope you can forgive me.

Every now, and then we all toot our own horns a bit here, but I know of no better group, for straight, good no BS advice. The Asylum has some good info, but sometimes seems to more often stray from the good stuff lately.

I would suggest taking it to the next level, kicking it up a notch as Emeril would say!

I used a Shure VTF Scale for years, While I later found against other, better Scales that it was fairly accurate, without this confirmation, ti was always a guessing game, wondering just how accurate it was?

Other people here can direct you to good websites that sell high quality digital scales that don;t cost an arm, and leg. Places like Scales For Less I think, and another place I personally found, called "Will Knot Scales".

Just recently, I believe I have bought the exact same scale as the Clearaudio Weight Watcher Scale, which sells for $200-$225 at places like MusicDirect-Audio Advisor, for only $29.90 plus shipping from Will Knot!

This Scale if you would like to search, and compare is called the Proscale LC-50. It is a 50g Scale that reads in .01 increments. The Clearaudio Weight Watcher professes .02g accuracy, which is probably about right.

Dowsnside of this Scale, which I have checked with lab calibration weights, and have found very accurate, and repeatable with its reading, is that the Weighing Platform is .6" high, and this is no good for accurate Stylus force with the Tonearm. One needs a Scale that will read exactly at the same height as an LP sitting on the Platter.

As Doug Deacon has suggested to me, a small fabricated non-magnetic ledge (Brass-Alu), that attaches to the weighing platform (Glued perhaps), that is at LP height would be ideal.

As for Cartridges, I cannot expree enough to do as much homework as you can. This forum is free to use, and you should read about the qualities of Benz, Dynavector, ZYX, Lyra, Sumiko, Grado, Ortofon, Koestsu, and so many other quality Cartridges which you might be able to afford?

If I were you, I would look at Cartridges such as the Lyra Dorian, ZYX Fuji, Dynavetor, Sumiko Blackbird, possibly Benz if you like a warmer presentation, and have a system that is perhaps highly analytical.

Do get some good tools, perhaps the Cardas Sweep, and Burn LP, a good Protractor, like either the Mo Fi Geodisc, or Turntable Basics Mirror Protractor.

Again my friend, do educucate yourself which will be the best match for your Phon Stage as far as Gain, and Loading options. Mark

I am also into amateur astronomy and ccd astrophotography. I've spent much more on telescopes & ccd cameras then on audio equipment. FYI my astro web site address is www.starryforge.com.

That does not mean audio takes a back seat to astronomy, bo are essential to my sense of well being.

For audio I spend most of my money on LPs and CDs. I tend to keep audio equipment for a long time ...I have three audio systems and I'm thinking of replacing my AR 2a speakers with Harbeth Compact 7s or Monitor 30s. I think it's about time the ARs are about 37 years old :).

good listening

Redcarerra: One last mention , your Music Maker cartridge can be repaired ; look @ www.soundsmith.com . Peter Ledermann is one of the finest person's to do business with in audio. I have several friends that own his cart/refirbs and cartridges of his own design including the ($$$$) strain gage(s). No one recants the purchasing his work. All the Best