question about the "analog sound"

Hi all-I am an analog newbie with a very modest setup; Project DebutI, Grado Platinum cart, Bellari phono preamp. The sound I am getting is very natural, but lacks the fullness, richness, and overall oomph that my digital front end delivers. My question is, am I hearing a representative analog sound, or simply hearing the weaknesses of this setup? Or, do I perhaps have a phono preamp/cartridge mismatch?

Please, no advice to buy a whole new setup, as I don't wish to do that right now. I would, however, make changes such as a new cartridge, if folks thought it might make a difference.

FWIW, the rest of my system is as follows: AES tube preamp, B&K ST-140 amp, GMA europas, HSU subwoofer, Arcam cd-72.

Thanks much for your thoughts!
It's hard to say, and I look forward to reading other replies, but it could to an extent be, not analog per se, but vinyl. There are limitations in what can be done to encode deep bass in vinyl grooves -- leading to the use of RIAA (and other) equalization. Also, if I'm not mistaken, cartridges tend to slope response down at the bottom end in order to avoid rumble issues. CD does not have those limitations. So it could to some extent be "analog" sound. But what you lose in this way, you more than make up for in palpable, lifelike, swinging, groovy presentation pure analog gives.

Of course, you may also have a mismatch. The Bellari doesn't have all that much gain, and the Project is pretty entry level. A better deck would probably help -- my Lenco certainly slams like no belt drive I have owned, even though it still isn't as oomphy as my cdp.

(Congrats on a really nice setup, by the way).
While I am notarious for willingness to point out the limitations of vinyl, I don't think that lack of fullness, richness, or oomph is a fair rap. The LF roll off should not occur with RIAA equalization at play. What you perceive as "bass" is probably in the range of 40-100 Hz, and this range is easiest for a stylus to trace.

If you want to change the overall frequency response of your system an equalizer is the tool to do it. I like the Behringer DEQ2496, which also includes a spectrum analyser so you can see what you are doing.
try checking your cartridge set-up. tracking force could be a touch light. If you don't have a protractor and tracking force gauge, get one.
I agree with CPK, the most likely culprit if your system can deliver the goods with a different source is your analog set-up. Some carts are better than others for specific attributes, you have the synergy with the phono amp, and the specific tweaking of the set-up may go a long way in getting to where you want to be. I have found adjusting VTA to yield noticeable changes.