New TT/cart question

I just hooked up, finally, a new Music Hall MMF7.1 with the stock Goldring Eroica high output moving coil cartridge. Here's my question. In previous years of TT use, I never could hear the music from the cartridge. I can hear the music playing from the cartridge when I turn the volume down. Is this normal with this cartridge, or is there a problem, ie VTF, etc? Most all my past experience has been with Shure carts.

Any advice/ideas welcome.
I have a basis turntable. AJ's claim to fame is that you can't hear music from the tonearm. I think it has to do with the make up of the arm. I maybe wrong but you are hearing vibration which in effect is noise. I am sure people will weigh in but it is not good. Which maybe why you did not hear in years past. Good question I will follow this thread to see what people think. In any event I don't thinks it's your cartridge it's your table. Check with friends that have turn Tables and see if they have the same problem. My TT is dead quiet.
Are you using the record clamp? Maybe Goldring's Pocan body isn't "all that" when it comes to resonance control.
Not quite sure what you mean. You're supposed to "hear music from the cartridge". That's what they do. However, the output is low so that we send the signal into an amplifier. I don't mean for that to sound sarcastic. I'm assuming your old Shure cartridges were MM. Your Goldring is an MC and is probably lighter, with less mass to block vibrations from coming out to your ear. Just a speculation. As long as nothing is loose on the cartridge so that nothing other than the cantilever is moving, I wouldn't worry about it.
Johnnyb53, Yes, I am using the record clamp...

Markphd, yes, the shure's were MM.

I'm guesssing there is nothing wrong, just not use to hearing the sound from the cart. I need to play with the vta even though they say it's setup. bass seems weak...