Why does my vinyl sound so bright?

Michell Gyro upgraded to Orbe Platter with DC motor, etc. Zeta tomearm, Sumiko Blackbird, into PS Audio GCPH. I'm not looking for a world beater rig, but boy it's kind of bright during playback. Wasn't always this way, so something must have changed, but the only thing I've changed is moving it onto a wall mounted shelf, at least that's the only thing that I've changed on purpose. Any tips on where to start troubleshooting this?

Complete vinyl imbecile here, so be gentle and talk slowly...thanks for any help!
Wall mount TT shelf is NOT an excellent idea. The house's wall in North America are usually made of dry wall. If a TT shelf mount to the dry wall in the Hi-Fi room., the dry wall(large surface area) will act as a giant DIAGHPARM and will transit the vibration(causing by sound wave) back to your TT.

Unless the wall are solid concrete then it might not be a problem.
Get a good VTF (vertical tracking force) gauge. Start there. You can find nice digital one's on this site. I got mine from SORA Sound. Great price on the same one you'll see for anywhere from $129-$185. This one piece of gear has helped me to perfectly dial in the sound of my Benz Glider.
A wall shelf into studs is better than vibrations being trasferred directly through the floor.
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