Looking for a Phono Pre less than $1500

I may be changing my system around which may necessitate puchasing a another phono preamp. I will be using a LOMC or a Medium Output Moving coil cartridge. I like a transparent see through sound and I am not afraid of tubes. What do you recommend?
Over the last few months I have listenen to quite a few phonostages in the $500 to $5k range:

Wright WPP200C
Vacuumstate JLTI
Sutherland Ph.D.
Aesthetix Rhea
Dynavector P75II
Trichord Dino
EAR 834
Artemis Labs

In terms of sheer realism, detail, imaging, speed the Vaccumstate JLTI was by far the best. The layering of the soundstage, separation between instruments (spatially as well as tonally) is in completely different league of any of the above. The soundstage is wider and deeper and images are much more stable into the far corners. It has the best bass extension and high end resolution without strident highs. Good flow and rhythm as well.It is the first phono stage I heard in my system that can actually reproduce drums realistically.

The main caveat is the looks and built quality - it just feels like a $500 stage, but if you look at the specs and listen to it I would put it so far in a class of its own.

Curious: Are you planning to replace your Shindo? That seems to be a difficult feat. I was hoping to possibly move up to the Shindo next, although now that I got the JLTI and have been able to compare it to some nice stages, I am not so sure the Shindo will be an improvement on all levels.