If you're comparing belt drive versions, I can tell you from experience that the sound of either table can be softened or made more accurate by your choice of belt materials. I've used perhaps a dozen different belts on our Teres rigs and others have done the same on their Galibiers, with results ranging from downright mushy to razor tight. (The same belts give very similar results on each, since both use very similar motors.)
Fine tuning this sonic parameter is so easy with either of these tables that I'd recommend choosing between them based on aesthetics and budget, not tonal differences.
The Teres Verus (rim drive) is a different animal. It's softer than the tightest belt drive setups and the controller includes an adjustment that lets you adjust this still further. Speed accuracy and tonal clarity do not match the very best belt drive setups, but if you truly prefer softness then those may not be big priorities for you. For your stated priority it's worth a look.
Fine tuning this sonic parameter is so easy with either of these tables that I'd recommend choosing between them based on aesthetics and budget, not tonal differences.
The Teres Verus (rim drive) is a different animal. It's softer than the tightest belt drive setups and the controller includes an adjustment that lets you adjust this still further. Speed accuracy and tonal clarity do not match the very best belt drive setups, but if you truly prefer softness then those may not be big priorities for you. For your stated priority it's worth a look.