Denon 103r ????

I have made some improvement to my 103r, but am still getting tonal imbalance with this cartridge.
It's too bright and edgy on some recordings!
At times it sounds incredible, excellent imaging and sound stage.
What do I do though to tame down the brightness. Change the tracking force a bit or tracking angle, change the loading, impedence or capacitance. Add more tonearm bearing fluid or remove?
The 103r is for real. I am wondering what will trump my 103r when I upgrade, boy that will take a bite out of my wallet.
Still most highly recommend the 103r, but consider tweaking the arm as that worked for me.
Mingles...I replaced a Grado Sonata with a Benz and can tell you that the Sonata in contrast is tan/brown in color, grainy, harsh, and fuzzy. When you upgrade to a better cartridge, you will hear what I'm talking about...there is always room for improvement
Pedrillo, would you please summarize the steps you took to achieve the results that please you so much?

Thanks, Ken
I am still new to this hobby, but I will try to describe in words as best as I can what I am hearing.
Basically I am hearing into the recording as though I am right there where the musicians recorded. I hear the air so to speak, or the space that the recording took place at.
The percussions especially sound life-like. I get that sound of the stick hitting the skin of the drum sounding real clear and fast that whack you get when its live. The reason I am so enthusiastic is I rarely hear that in a stereo system! I think my tweaks to the tonearm may contribute to that nice sound I am hearing, but I am only guessing. I will eventually get a second arm and another 103r and compare. The second arm will be the 12" vpi arm.
Any suggestions. I am by no means claiming any technical excellence here, just experimenting, hoping some day to better understand the mechanics of turntables arms and cartridges.
I'm sorry if my description fell short of expectation, I think after more time in this hobby will make me better at conveying in words what I am hearing.
Thanks Pedrillo, your enthusiasm come through clearly.

What I was asking is if you could describe and summarize what modifications, adjustments, equipment, magic spells etc. lead to your results.
