I found some things that I didn't like about the belt-driven design (namely the stretching of the belt-splice over time and the audible sound of the splice passing the motor pulley).
Both of these problems do exist with the stock belts supplied by Teres and Galibier. But they're easily resolved by DIY-ing one's own belt - a 15 minute task.
My splice hasn't stretched in over two years of daily use, and a properly taped splice makes no noise going around the pulley. These are not difficult problems to solve. Ask anyone who's ever spliced video or audio tape.
The Verus is probably well suited for rock. It was intolerable in our system/to our ears for classical, or any recording of acoustic instruments and top quality vocalists, but for feedback-rich music that's heavily mixed in the production studio, it might provide a great listening experience for many.
Definitely an area of personal choice and sonic priorities.