Good info on TCC TC-450 which is only $31.50 without adapter o5 $35.50 with adapter.
Do you have experience with TCC TC-T750 which is only $43.50? I read good reviews about it and understand that it's all discrete vs NAD and Pro-Ject's use ops amp and passive components (per TNT review of TC-754).
I plan to use Shure M97HE I dug up from storage or Grado MF-1+.
Good info on TCC TC-450 which is only $31.50 without adapter o5 $35.50 with adapter.
Do you have experience with TCC TC-T750 which is only $43.50? I read good reviews about it and understand that it's all discrete vs NAD and Pro-Ject's use ops amp and passive components (per TNT review of TC-754).
I plan to use Shure M97HE I dug up from storage or Grado MF-1+.