Lost on next upgrade from SME 20/2 + IV.Vi arm ...

I am really struggling on what upgrade to do next. I have several thoughts. Budget is 15k or tops, prefer to keep it to 10k.

1)I could upgrade my BAT 51SE to a BAT REX.
(my thoughts, a good step up, but another box with heat pouring out, another power cord, and a bunch more tubes in a already all tube system)

2)upgrade my vinyl front end. Several thoughts here..

-Keep the SME 20/2, upgrade the arm to a Graham Phantom, Triplanar, or maybe DaVinci/Shroeder.
-Keep the SME 20/2 and SME IV.Vi, upgrade to the Purist anniversary tonearm cable from my current Venustas.
-Trade my VPI 16.5 cleaner in for a Loricraft.
-Trade the SME 20/2 for a TW Acustic Raven AC, keep the SME IV.Vi arm.
-Trade the SME 20/2 for a TW Acustic Raven AC, and get a new arm.
-Trade the SME 20/2 for another table?
-If I trade the table&arm, then what arm?

My system is posted. I'll appreciate all thoughts and comments. I've read about all the posts I can on the arm and table choices I've listed above. I've also emailed a few of you on my selections above.

Also, one choice is to chill out and just enjoy what I have. It's pretty killer as it is. If I want to spend the money still, give it to charity or church.

Thanks in advance!
Dear Jfrech: First I would like to ask why do you want to make an up-grade? what do you don't like about the quality sound reproduction through your analog chain?
do you want to up-grade/change only for change or do you have precise subjects about?

Now, IMHO there are two areas/stages that could help you to an up-grade:
different tonearm/cartridge combination and a better Phonolinepreamp, no I don't think that a TT change or cable change could give you a higher quality improvement over the other two areas that I name it.

You own a very good TT that compete with any thing out there, your Skala is very good performer too but you can change it or try it in a different tonearm where it could find a better match ( ask about to JC ) and a change in your BAT line/phono electronics that as good they are the quality that you are hearing ( degraded ) is the cable and connectors between both units: a good and better ( design/performer ) integral Phonolinepreamp could help you.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Get a pair of bigger speakers. Your current speakers are too small for your room.
Trade it all in and invest in a Walker,the last table you ever buy.It is on a planet of its own,if you are that serious about your vinyl.