How many People own Working Reel to Reel Decks?

I just bought a very nice condition Revox A-77 on Ebay and I have to say I love the sound of tape. I wish I had done this years ago when it made more sense. I see that good quality reel to reel decks are getting snapped up on Ebay and I am wondering who is buying them and what they plan on listening to (prerecorded music or tapes they make). How many people here on audiogon actually own a reel to reel that works and they use it regularly? Thanks.
Quite a coincidence this thread comes up now. For some odd reason I recently got the bug to try r2r, in doing some research I found The Tape Project site which really got me interested.
From my research I decided that either a Revox A77 or Technics 1500 would suit me. I recently ended up purchasing a Revox A77 Mk.IV off fleabay for $131. I have yet to receive the deck, and don't know what to expect, it may work perfectly or not at all. I bought this with the expectation I may have to rebuild and refurbish, to this end I have downloaded the service manual. If it runs perfectly that would be great, if not, it will be fun to get into the guts of that thing and go through it part for part (which I will be doing irregardless of condition).
Eventually, I would like to get a head preamp custom made by bottlehead or someone else, I am also planning other mods. I think it would be interesting to see how far one can go with these things.
I have a 707 pioneer that I use mostly for playing back a bunch of recordings make from vinyl years ago. Still sounds sweet and relaxing...I enjoy it very much.
For $131.00 for a Revox A-77, I would be doubtful of the working condition. Please let us know how it works out. Is this the 1/4 track 3 3/4 ips-7 1/2ips version?
I received the A77 the other day, at first glance the front panel was essentially brand new, the wood cabinet had a few small spots where the veneer had lifted.
I took the cabinet off for repairing and couldn't believe my eyes, this thing was essentially as new, even smelled new!
Over the past day I've gone over every part with bright light and magnifying glass, looking for burnt resistors and any other signs of damage. There is absolutely nothing that doesn't look as new! I have noted the problematic capacitors and have replacements which I will install later.
The deck didn't come with a power cord, and I found there was no main fuse. I replaced the 2 prong IEC receptacle with a 3 pronger so I can have my choice of power cords, and installed a 1 amp fuse.
Today I fired up the old deck and every function works perfectly, absolutely amazing! This deck is a time capsule, basically as new condition and everything works, it even has the original tags still attached to the handle (serial nos. matching)! Not a scratch on the front panels or knobs! All the tape heads look new as well, no wear marks at all, the guide pins and rollers look as new, just the slightest bit of oxide. With the bit of work I'm doing on the casework this thing will be almost mint, I would say a 9 out of 10.
Now, this is only my initial analysis, I could have problems down the road, with something this old one has to be cautious. Still, I would have to say this was one lucky buy for me, I will just enjoy for now, more mods may come later.
By the way, Mepearson, this is the 1/4 track, 3 3/4-7 1/2ips version. It is a Mk. IV., serial number G199624. I actually wish it were the two track version so I could do "The Tape Project" mods, I don't think you can do them with the 4 track machines.