VPI anti-skate device

I have a VPI scoutmaster wtih JMW9 tonearm. I purchased the add-on anti-skate device and I am having trouble setting it up. I installed it according to the directions I found here: http://www.elusivedisc.com/prodinfo.asp?number=HW-JMW1015

However the device is is interfering with the full rotation of the tone arm. The left side protrusion of the tone arm hits the anti skate device. Can some one with a JMW9 and the antiskate device take a picture of their set up and email it to me so I can see what I'm doing wrong?

Maczurak: Your post confirms exactly what I am saying (however inelegantly) about the VPI anti-skate devise--that it is poorly designed. The mere fact that you (like myself) had to "play with it...for the past several months" and have had to modify both the devise itself and the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer suggests that something is truly amiss. I applaud your persistence but (respectfully) suggest that you remove the devise, twist the wire and see whether you have really gained anything for all your trouble. This devise is for "tweakers" who like to play around with their equipment--a legitimate pursuit for sure. But if you are (like me) part of the "set it and forget it" crowd I'd avoid the anti-skate like the plague.
Actually, I have been optimizing the AS these past months to achieve the best sonic characteristics from my setup. During the beginning of the process, this also included other tonearm setup parameters. Thanks to all who contributed to the ZYX cartridge optimizing threads; your comments were of great help.

Even if the tonearm had a ‘dial’ to adjust the AS, I still would be optimizing the setting. Would it have taken this long? That’s hard to say as I make an adjustment and enjoy listening to the music, then may not play LPs again for many days.

What I describe in the previous post is most likely what I will be using long term; the AS device attached like in the photo without any washers on the horizontal arm and the line attached to the top of the vertical arm. Have a look at the VPI web site as they have several pictures from different angles.

I have tried disengaging the AS device with and without the wire twist. I think I will keep the AS device engaged with the minimal amount of AS it now provides. Like Stringreen, I prefer the AS engaged for the reasons he describes. Thanks Stringreen for confirming what I was hearing in my system.
I've been trying to adjust this thing to get optimal results. It seems that when I adjust to for less anti skate, the adjustment also causes less counter-balance for the device and it topples over towards the tonearm eliminating any anti-skate benefit at all. It can also bind the tonearm and cause skipping and mis-tracking. Perhaps I'm not installed it correctly. I have it mounted in the junction box screw hole closest to the tone arm (JMW9). If I mount it so it points straight out towards the front of the plinth with the notched portion with the two o-rings sticking up, the tone arm will bump into it during the playing of an LP. If someone with a Scoutmaster with the JMW9 arm has this device installed and working properly would post a picture or two at several angles maybe I can get this thing to work properly.
I had a 9 Sig, and now am using the 10.5. In both cases the device worked without problems. I have the rubber washers about 1/2 way up its arm. It never interfered with the tonearm except in providing side thrust compensation. If I send a picture of my 10.5i it will not help you with the 9 - the 10.5 is set up a bit differently. If you send a picture of yours Arnold, I might suggest something I see may be misadjusted. When the unit is installed properly it works as intended.

Have a look at the VPI web site under "Products and Accessories", "VPI- Accessories", "VPI - JMW-9 Anti - Skate Assembly". There are a couple of clear pictures located on the page.