I walked into a dealer and got a shock....

I walked into a local Hi-Fi dealer with what I thought was just a turntable (Reaga P25 with Sumiko Blackbird Cart) needing minor repair. My vinyl sound has been a bit thin and the platter was making a grinding noise at startup and sometimes needing a push to get the platter moving. I described the rest of my system (Pro-Ject Tube Box SE II, Linn Kollektor, Mac MC402, Dali MS5's) and the size of my room (14x16) and the fact that the CD playback (Marantz DV7600)
It was suggested that my system was not matched and basically "too much electronics for a room that size". They recommended I replace the Linn preamp and the Mac Amp with an Audio Research VSi55 integrated (tubes). The price of the AR is about half of what I paid for the items that would be replaced. I understand price does not always equal performance. But I am shocked, especially since I just bought these items. Any thoughts on this suggested combination?
You need a dealer who can repair your analog front end, not editorialize on your home system in an attempt to make a sale. You don't have 'too much electronic's' for a room that size. If the combo of the Mac and the Dali's float your boat be happy. Now if you don't like some aspect of the sound and your dealer was just responding to an observation from you about the sound, thats a different situation. (BTW, I have an old Oracle table which has always squeaked on start up and which I have always nudged a bit to get it up to speed faster - its never affected the sound.

If your system's sound is new to you because of the change of components (speakers, amps) perhaps you are hearing a mis-match. If only the TT/Cartridge/Phono stage are new, perhaps you need to work on cartridge set up, specifically VTA.

Personally, I think I'd not like the combo of an ARC amp and the Dali's from what little I know about their character from reading about the Dali's and ownership of some other ARC products.

But the bottom line is if YOU like what you have relax and enjoy it. :-)
sounds like a pretty blatant attempt at just making a sale. I'd second the first post: if they'll let you take it home to audition, at least overnight, you can see if they know what they're talking about - otherwise it's BS.
I second the poster how suggests 'let me try it in my system'. Yes, that means a loaner, for a least two weeks of time, with a written agreement of the terms. Some dealers will want a credit card number to put a credit card hold on the amount of the unit. Don't let them do it. If a loaner is not part of the dealer's business model, move on.
Pure BS. Don't pay them any mind unless there's something that you think is lacking, then address that.

They saw that you believe in good equipment and have the money to spend when motivated, so they tried to motivate you.

Your electronics will certainly handle a much larger room, but that's no reason to downgrade it. You fit the amp to the room with the volume control. You have equipment that will work for decades in a wide variety of envirnonments. It's not what I have, but it's what many consider "the best" so don't worry about it.

If you MUST spend some money, buy a better speaker cable or upgrade your ICs.
