Most popular TT upgrades: skeptical but curious...

1. DeepGroove subplatter.
2. Subplatter ball.
3. Acrylic platter.
4. Michell Techno Weight
5. Plinth legs/pucks/cones etc.
6. Various record clamps and weights.
1. To remedy speed instability, otherwise useless?
2. Unless original is worn-defective, why bother?
3. Curious to hear if it makes sound better?
4. Baffled. How swapping metal bolts at the end of the arm affects the sound? What are the physics behind it?
5. May be helping to level the table, otherwise useless?
6. Clamps. They seem to do exact opposite of what TT mat suppose to do. Why clamps?

I am not trying to start an argument for the sake of argument. I am interested in improving my Rega P3 as much as other guy. I am just one of those people who needs to know the method behind the madness before plunging.:)
One thing I could say for sure for any table ...if you could ... use some sort of wall shelf. Even if you have solid floors I feel the improvement in clarity and focus are worth the effort. Rega does make a shelf but the Target shelf could be a good solution if you decide to get a different table.
Johnnyb53, The rb 250 is not a unipivot,Have you ever actually seen the reduced resonance from using a puck or similar device like on a scope or with any measurement equipment? A record clamp reduces slippage? In 40+ years of playing records Ive never seen or heard of a record slipping during play. Reduces surface noise? Of course you could always buy a lenco and all these problems go away.
i recently bought a rega 25 here on audiogon. it came with the 1rst 4 upgrades u listed along with the heed orbit outboard power supply. so, i can't say what effect those 1rst 4 upgrades may have had. but i do know that when i replaced the heed orbit stock power cord with an after market cord (vh audio flavor 4), my system just took off. blacker backgrounds and a fuller, throbbing sound. now, that particular type of sound may not be right for u. just saying...if u can get a deal on an outboard power supply that might be another option to consider.
Are you saying that by replacing the power cord you changed the sound of your TT?
"changed the sound?" well, i guess u could put it that way. i like to think the heed orbit/vh flavor 4 combo enabled the rega to realize its potential. prior to the power cord switch, the sound was alright but a bit "thin." now rhe sound has more weight and body. for instance, i can feel the kick drum hit my chest.
over at vinyl asylum, another guy had pretty much the same experience when he swapped out the stock cord on his heed orbit with an XLO power cord. so, it probably says that the heed's weak point is the power cord.
anywhoo, i just luv the synergy of the combination i'm using now.