VPI JMW9 Sig toneram cables - what do you use?

I have a newly acquired SSM with the JMW9 Sig tone arm. I'm using a Lyra Skala cartridge which has great sound. My phono pre is built into my BATVK300x Integrated. I had a Synergistic Research Kaliedascope Phase one at 1.5 meters lying around. I have been using it as my tonearm cable. It sounds ??? good!! Most likley it's the rest of the set up! What are others using as tonearm cables? A suggection as to what I should use would also be appreciated. Thank you for your input.
I have a Superscoutmaster with 10.5i, and rim drive..I'm using balanced anti-cable. I really think its the best I've heard...I've tried many top line cables. If you have a location prone to rf, they will make you a double shielded interconnect for no extra charge. The regular cable sounds ever so slightly more open, but if you need the double shielded, its a great cable too.
Stringreen, Thank you for your suggestion. I read a lot of your posts. I too ordered the rim drive for the SSM. The big name cables are very expensive compared to the anti-cable. I don't have an RF problem so the better of the two would be my choice. Thank you once again ..........
Zenieth and Stringreen,
Credit goes to Harry Pearson of TAS for pushing VPI to use Nordost Valhalla for tonearm wire including other progressive changes of the Scoutmaster.

I found Valhalla wire a true revelation over the Discovery brand used by VPI including Cardas that I replaced it with prior to the Signature arm.
Its truly remarkable how much these other wires molested this tiny fragile signal of the cartridge compared to Valhalla.

May I suggest borrowing a burnt in pair of Nordost interconnects to go from the junction box to your phonostage.
Either the Frey, Tyr or more Valhalla.

There is certainly something to using this revealing wire this far up the signal chain....