First used turntable +- $20,000. Any suggestions?

Hi all,

I've been into audio for several years but never ready looked into turntables. Since a few of my friends telling me they like the sound of turntables much much more than CD I might make the switch as well.

Since new is too expensive I will be looking on the second hand market. Could anyone advise me on a superb table that will be max. $20,000 (incl. cartridge, arm etc etc) on the used market? What are the brands to look for and are there particular things I need to watch out for when buying second hand turn tables?

Appreciate your thoughts.
I would say first and foremost that the original poster should actually start not by spending money but by spending time - listening to a variety of combinations of tables/carts/arms/etc. So far we have no information on his tastes, system, and any 'philosophy' he has. Depending on his physical environment, there may be a substantial difference between a Brinkman Balance and an SME 20/2 and there is also the matter of taste. Some people have gotten extremely good results out of idlers on stonkingly large plinths with great arms attached. Some people are philosophically oriented towards designs with a suspension. Go figure... Until we have more information, this exercise simply becomes "pick-my-personal-favorite/dream-table/arm/cart-combo-for-20-grand."

While I agree with Detlof, Gregm, and others about the importance of set-up, I would also argue that learning to do so oneself is also critical. One cannot depend on the dealer (from whom one bought new) coming over every time one changes something (tonearm, cart, record mat, flimsy vinyl vs 200g vinyl).

I personally would recommend used because the cost of selling out that one and upgrading later is limited. There is a substantial learning curve to go up in any case, and if one is unwilling to throw oneself into the deep end (especially given "instant lifeguard" support provided by the Audiogon community in the form of neighborly support, listening groups, and expertise on the forum - evidence this thread (not to mention the archives)), spending a lot of money to get into really great analog sound is perhaps unwise in itself. Really great analog sound is always going to be more of a DIY affair than really great digital sound.

Personally, I like the Micro's air bearing (suggested by Raul). I also like the simplicity of a Verdier or a Galibier with two arm pods. My personal taste would tend to reducing the number of tweakable instruments (I don't want to tweak suspensions, air tanks, hose length/diameter/material, etc; just arm/cart and base).
Harry sells more turntables than anyone set it up and play music through it. The VPI doesn't have to be's stable as can be. The 10.5i arm has extremely easy VTA repeatability. The top dual motors with rim drive are in the same league as all of those snob-appeal tables. The tables have terrific resale value, should a marriage breakup, or mortgage default come along..seems like an easy decision...
Judging from my readings of posts on this forum, my view is distinctly a minority one. But if pitch stability is high on your list of priorities (musicians only?), then I believe there is only one turntable to consider - Nakamichi. Either the Dragon CT or the TX1000. Not easy to find, but they come up on Audiogon now and then. Otherwise, there are plenty of other good suggetions here.
Dear Nrostov: +++++ " Do you like things more musical or more analytical? " +++++

looking to the Maxx system ( of course that he is the only one that has the right answer for sure. ) IMHO I think that maybe he likes what is on the recording and this could be different from what you like looking to your great audio system that is different from the Maxx one.

Btw, what do you mean with " musical "? something that is not analytical?

Regards and enjoy the music.