First used turntable +- $20,000. Any suggestions?

Hi all,

I've been into audio for several years but never ready looked into turntables. Since a few of my friends telling me they like the sound of turntables much much more than CD I might make the switch as well.

Since new is too expensive I will be looking on the second hand market. Could anyone advise me on a superb table that will be max. $20,000 (incl. cartridge, arm etc etc) on the used market? What are the brands to look for and are there particular things I need to watch out for when buying second hand turn tables?

Appreciate your thoughts.
You could do quite well picking up a Goldmund Studio and then then trying a few cartridges to find your best match with the rest of your equipment.
Holy cow, for that kind of money you have no reason to go with used! Listen to a tricked out Linn and go on from there. There are many better tables, but Linn is a good place to begin the journey (not to buy, but to listen and determine what you like).