Which TT Music Hall 5.1 or Rega P1 or P2

I am look into picking up a entry level TT in the $400.00 to $650.00 range. I auditioned the Rega P1 & the Project Debut and prefered the Rega. I cannot find a local dealer for Music Hall TT that has them to audition. How is the Music Hall 5.1 compared to the Rega's in that price range. Thanks for any feedback. My system consist of:

Plinius 9200 integrated amp
Dynaudio Focus 140's speakers on Sound Anchor 3 post stands
Naim cdp cd5i-2
All FMS cables
Your system warrants better than the P1 or 2. For your budget, within the Rega
line, you'd do best to find a used P3/24 which has the option of the outboard
power supply. This is a major upgrade. It is also upgraded in various ways from
the older P3. It'd be well worth scrimping on the cartridge in the short run if
your budget is tight.

dealer disclosure.
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Have to agree with Piedpiper. A used P3 would better match the quality of the rest of your system. If you are lucky, you could pick a P3 with cartridge and upgrades for the same price as a new P2.
Notice that I said P3/24, not P3. This is the version that came out a year ago
and is upgraded in various ways from the P3. But the clincher for me is the
availability of the outboard power supply. There are other outboard power
supplies that can be used with any turntable but there is some advantage to
being able to interface directly with the DC motor rather than simply
condition the AC going to the DC power supply of the P3. The price of a used
P3/24 would just fit your budget. IME the Rega is different from and
competitive with the Technics, which is less money. I have not compared a
KAB modded unit though. The real comparison would be a fully modded KAB
Technics with a Rega P5 with outboard PS which would be about the same
amount of money. At that point there would still be other aftermarket
upgrades available to the Rega, for more money. If you got the P5 used you
could add some of those mods and still meet the price of the modded KAB
Technics. How they would compare is a very good question.

Dealer disclosure.
You've probably made your choice by now, but if you haven't, definately go for the Rega - WAY better soundstaging!