What do you want from the hobby?

There is a "wonderful" article about a listening experience at "Oswald's Mill",that is beautifully written by Michael Lavorgna!
This can be found on the "Six Moons web-site",under "industry news"(see the latest dated addition of the "mill" sessions).....I LOVED it!!I,also "think" I "got it"!!
The writer REALLY touches upon "something" in his wrap-up of his unique experience,and it almost made me cry(just kidding,but it was quite touching,regarding our wonderful hobby).
Now I am even more aware of the "why" of being so smitten with my "own" take on what I like in my system,as well as why I "SO" enjoy a different,but serious spin from some other interesting yet unique hobbyists' approaches.

I mention this on the analog forum because I know so many folks are "inspired" hobbyists,but mostly I have corresponded with many of you,and just "think" you might enjoy the "theme" of the fine article!

Great read!...On the money postscript!!

Really interesting site! however never found the artical yet by Lavorgna, got off track looking around.

I know acouple of "old school" fellows up here in Canada that would fit right in with Oswaldsmillaudio.

Certainly a differant world of audio which you won't read much about here.

I'm sure there is something to it if you have seen and read about the one of designs by Alon Wolf of Magico.

Thanks for posting it.