Who does not like the Lyra Dorian?

Just got one for my Linn LP12, and right off the detail was great, but it is very forward and bright. I am patiently waiting for it to warm up a bit so that I can make a real decision here, but I might suspect it is not to my taste (stress MIGHT, for I am known to misjudge these things in haste). I generally prefer a more spacious laid back sound, but the detail is seductive and it seems quite musical. I thought I would try something different, too firm an attachment to taste is questionable. Any thoughts?

By the way, I have Art Audio tube gear and Tetra speakers.
Dear Chashmal: Do you already contact directly with Lyra?, maybe they could help you about through a specific advise.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Interesting suggestion Raul. (Tremendous system you have by the way!)
I have ways of making it less bright, decreasing loading in the phono stage for one, but the issue for me is the soundstage. To be fair, it has very few hours. If need be I will contact Lyra. It sounds like you are a supporter of this cartridge.

So, do you (or anyone else) have an out and out positive thing to say about it?
My cartridge took hundreds of hours to sound good...now its excellent (maybe it needs a retip its been so long). All kiding aside....live with it for awhile. Lyras are good cartridges, but they too take a while to break in.
Misskuma: yes I do have the correct impedance. It is probably a break in situation. It already is sounding better, however I can tell that Stringreen is right. The break in might be more like 60 hours for full effect. Probably 20 till it passes, but another 40 to make a complete determination.

Thanks all.