Who does not like the Lyra Dorian?

Just got one for my Linn LP12, and right off the detail was great, but it is very forward and bright. I am patiently waiting for it to warm up a bit so that I can make a real decision here, but I might suspect it is not to my taste (stress MIGHT, for I am known to misjudge these things in haste). I generally prefer a more spacious laid back sound, but the detail is seductive and it seems quite musical. I thought I would try something different, too firm an attachment to taste is questionable. Any thoughts?

By the way, I have Art Audio tube gear and Tetra speakers.
Mosin you are a reasonable guy. The Dorian is resolving in a merciless way! It does certain things much much better than my Benz, but it shows no compasion to any flaw, in particular distortion, like in Chess recordings from the 50's. However Blind Lemon Jefferson, J.S. Bach, and Stockhausen never sounded so good.

Maybe I am beginning to like it (at about 16 hours)!

Yep, I believe you will like it in time. Unfortunately for me, I got only a taste of the wonderful, but unobtanium, Olympos. Remember, unforgiving can easily be associated with accurate, and sometimes those can be downright scary terms. I have let a cartridge alter my musical tastes on more than one occasion simply because it rendered a record differently. I suppose that's why I have extra cartridges that I will never play again...and records. You know, this can be a brutal hobby! ;)

I also think that much of the harsh reality is slowly being warmed up by the interaction of break-in and tube goodness! I have heard it said that Lyras might have been voiced with tube gear in mind. I am slowly coming to 'get it', but it is a shock indeed. One's aesthetic preconceptions can be quite daunting.
All warmed up after much play, and well....simply magnificent. I love this cartidge. Way better than my old benz ace.