Does the Linn 'green paper' seem questionable?

Linn dealers promote the use of green jeweler's paper to polish the diamond that makes record contact after every record play. Many outside of Linn circles find this ritual questionable. I would like to hear agoners comments on this. I have never felt comfortable using the stuff.
I have used it since the 80s with good luck.Remember, its a diamond you are cleaning,so its tuff enuff.
I remember clearly that Linn extolled the virtues of scraping the stylus from back to front with the sandpaper section from matchbooks. I guess they changed to jeweler's paper because very few people use matches anymore.
I've always used it or a small strip of 1500-2000 grit sandpaper. Works great. I give it a swipe after every album side. Still using my 15 year old Linn Arkiv, so the sandpaper method hasn't harmed anything in my case.