vintage turntables?

i dont know, but vintage technics, jvc, and pioneer are the only decks ive had experience with, but they have a special appeal to me. it seems to me that theres all these super fancy turntables out there, and im sure they sound really great, but things like funk firm, the pro-ject rpm aren't the same to me. they're not what i picture a turntable to be. anyone else out there feel the same way? i think what it comes down to is the look. maybe i'm just crazy, i dont know. haha
Don't be afraid of the better quality vintage Japan Inc. tables. Denon, JVC, Technics, Pioneer etc. all made high quality tables during the day that would give many an new light fantastic tables today a run for the money if not beat the snot out of some. Caveat Emptor though applies.
Old Linn, Garrard and Thorens tables still set a high standard to which all others aspire to. Shindo in Japan has a highly modified Garrard 301 that sports a price tag of $20k. Vintage can be very desirable!
chuckelator...i somewhat agree. a friend of mine just purchsed a used table for almost 7k. it sounds fine...not the revalation you would expect if you have read its reviews...but it looks like a veg-o-matic juicer thingy. its paired with public address sized horns and nightlights for power, that cost more than tuition in a great college. it becomes evident that after a lifetime in this hobby, i still can't say i understand the need to focus on visual weirdness, knowing full well that the sonic results are no more satifying than the oldies but goodies.