Record you spin on a rainy Saturday w/ family gone

Sitting here, flipping through my collection, on a rainy saturday wondering what vynil to load. Too overcast for the uplifting Beatles, too overcast for the mellow Pink Floyd. Would consider Hendrix or Neil Young...... Wondering what everyone listens to on days like these, oh the possabilities!
More "perfect" pop/rock albums that come to mind IMHO:

"Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" - Elton John
"Seventh Sojourn" - Moody Blues
"Foxtrot" especially "Suppers Ready" - Genesis
"Abbey Road" - you know who
"Moonmadness" and "Breathless" - Camel
Wow, I would have never thought of Year of the Cat on a rainy day. Great LP though.
Never rains here.
Family usually gone.
Table always spins.
Mark Knopfler holds present sway.
Might change if it rains.
First pressing issuance of JH's Electric Ladyland. Go to 1983...a Merman I should turn to be and CRANK it (105+ dB). The drum solo on a stacked ESL57 system is not to be believed!! Mitch Mitchell (a.k.a. Bob Dylan's Grandmother) plays at an incredible level to keep on par with Jimi's guitarwork.

After that slide down in volume a bit and play "Rainy day, Dream Away".

THEN go to The Doors "Riders on the Storm" (with the lights out, of course) BUT it must be a first issuance LP (die cut cover) to get the Full effect of Morrison's farewell.

Then you can eventually relax into Brook Benton's "Rainy night in Georgia" (yes, on vinyl - go to the "Solid Gold" LP if need be).

After that the family will probably return home or the Telly will ring. If so...."repeat as needed". 8^)