SOTA vacuum or no?

I am considering a new SOTA Sapphire or Nova as a replacement for my VPI Scoutmaster. I am aware of the differences in features between the Sapphire and Nova, but the biggest difference is obviously the presence of the vacuum clamping system present on the Nova. Is it worth it? The price difference between these two SOTA's is about $1400, I think. I am curious as to the reliability of the vacuum system, sonic benefit versus using the SOTA I-clamp or Reflex clamp alone. Also, how easy is the vacuum system to live with? I'd prefer minimal tweaking, if possible. Thanks!
"You would have to be an idiot or plain dum ass lazy to crash the cantilever into the outer ring. It is no more dangerous that no outer ring"
I guess theres a lot of lazy dumb asses on the forums I visit as it has come up several times and I have come close myself. Of course if it sounds better without youd have to be a dumb ass to use it.
I have never read anywhere where a VPI user has ruined his cantilever by using the outer ring. The point I was trying to make, using the outer ring is as easy and as safe as not using the outer ring on any table.
Rccc, do you own a VPI outer ring??

The outer ring has advantages sonically on some LP's, and the same without. There are no absolutes in this hobby.

I believe some like the "Soundfountain" outer ring is a little more dangerous to use as it just sits on top of the record.
Yo Downunder,some "older" folks don't have as steady hands as some other folks.I have seen the problem,with ring clamp " between groove and clamp-valley of death" cantilever damage!
This does not mean the Ring clamp is to be "absolutely" avoided,but be VERY careful!!It takes a half second to be very unhappy!
Btw,those with the hands of a vascular surgeon,can disregard this -:)
Yo Speedy

As they say. You are only as old as the girl you are "feeling"

me, my hands are not that steady, so I use that thing called the arm cue. goes and up and down and guess what - safe to use as well. outer ring or no outer ring
Downunder,actually I have "no unsteady hand issues" myself,and would be confident with an outer ring(except for the "knock" it got from the folks at Grand Prix Audio,regarding "exactitude" in "fit" as it pertains to wear on bushings,during play...but that's thier spin...not mine).Hmm!
Yet,my friend is no "idiot" or "dumb ass",but is a little long in the toothe(God bless him),so must be really careful with the "ring clamp of death, to Canti" -:)
Hey,in truth if it works,it works!(just joking,actually)

Understand,as of here and now,I'd be happy with "any" functioning set-up! issue I hope to have solved in the next few weeks,or God forbid...,months(I've decided to make my pre/phono problem into a major upgrade)!
Still atively collecting LP's though...NO Wolfmother discs yet -:)

Now you know why I'm a bit ancy!...You guys from Rod Laver country are still a great posters anyway!