In addition to response of Neway317, it also means that more jack-asses who are would be record dealers are going to flood the market with more crap as well...let's face it, it's a crap shoot(your everyday sellers) or VERY expensive (reputable dealers) to collect the REAL lp's...AND if you're into searching for hot stampers, well, you just keep your fingers crossed.
To add to Tgrisham's statement, not to be too serious, but vinyl will NEVER be as good as the's a plain and simple fact...the Tape Project has a good idea, now they just need some musical taste!(I'll never hear the end of that one I have a feeling)...and CD's do have a lot of potential...D/A's keep getting better...but hard disc server type playing is a lot closer to a master sound IF ONLY THE FLAT MASTERS WERE NOT MESSED WITH AND RELEASED AS IS! Digital Audio is capable of reproducing ALL the dynamics, it just gets in the hands of idiots who think that over eq-ing is a remedy to dynamic loss that tape experiences over time...blah blah blah.
To add to Tgrisham's statement, not to be too serious, but vinyl will NEVER be as good as the's a plain and simple fact...the Tape Project has a good idea, now they just need some musical taste!(I'll never hear the end of that one I have a feeling)...and CD's do have a lot of potential...D/A's keep getting better...but hard disc server type playing is a lot closer to a master sound IF ONLY THE FLAT MASTERS WERE NOT MESSED WITH AND RELEASED AS IS! Digital Audio is capable of reproducing ALL the dynamics, it just gets in the hands of idiots who think that over eq-ing is a remedy to dynamic loss that tape experiences over time...blah blah blah.