Can anyone recommend a Phono Pre Amp?

Hello again,
I have a Project 9 with a Dynavector X-H high output cartridge connected to my Musical Fidelity XLPS-v3 by Synergistic Looking Glass active cables. I'm driving all this with Rogue Audio 150 monoblocks through a Rogue Audio 99 pre amp and Martin Logan SL3's. My system sounded bright at first but after about 150 hours of use warmed up quite a bit. The Musical Fidelity is kinda warm but dry. I have also tried the PS Audio phono pre amp that had way more detail but was a little edgy and lacked mid-range warmth. I'm looking to spend about $1ooo, hopefully less. Any recommendations?
Also some more comments for Zeal: If you are looking for a less dry sound a tube phono would be a good alternative:

ARC PH3SE has good flow and is pretty solid performer overall, although quite a bit more expensive than some of the other suggestions. It doesn't come close to the resolution, dynamics and separation between instruments off some of the solid state stages though.

A good alternative to the EAR834 is the Wright WPP200CC at $800.Both have a very tubelike sound. The Wright is more dynamic and detailed with slightly better imaging. The Arc PH3 betters both, but also sacrifices some of the tube bloom and midrange of the Wright.
Has anyone tried the Musical Surrounding Nova phono stage. I heard the Pro-ject tube phono stage wasn't bad at all for half the price of a Nova or a used Arc 3. The Wright looks interesting but how is the detail on it?
You can try a home trial of the JLTi.
New it's a little over your budget but used it should be close.
I auditioned the Graham Slee and the P75 before trying the JLTi. The first two I heard at my dealer and the second at my home so it may not be a fair comparison but I bought the JLTi.
I found it a very easy decision. I'm using a 20XH on a Scout.

Good listening, Jerry
I believe Kevin Carter has a budget version of his K&K Phono Pre in the works that will sell for less than $1k. Also, if you are willing to "stretch" a little you might be able to find a used K&K for ~$1.2k.
Yeah, before I bought the ARC, I was looking seriously at the K&K...the only problems are that there is almost nowhere to hear one or try one out, and in the end, it's in kit form, which defintely hurts its resale value, despite what people say about it...