Personally I loved using Nordost Valhalla this far up the signal chain.
Be aware it takes an incredible long period to burn in tonearm wire using that tiny signal of the cartridge.
Typically Nordost ICs and speaker wire take 350 to 400 solid hours to run in.
Dealers will burn your tonearm wire in for a small fee, worth having it done.
What I'm getting at, if your tonearm wire isn't fully burnt in ,your not hearing all of what your table arm and cartridge can do. And it's not subtle
I found VPI tables in general dark sounding and for sure Cardas wire is dark sounding also, I would imagine the new rim drive have cleaned up the sound.
Using such a revealing wire this far up the signal chain has enormous advantages over most anything else available,
Also using more Nordost wire to your phonostage would be a good idea.
Just make sure it's fully burnt in before making changes within your system.
Personally I loved using Nordost Valhalla this far up the signal chain.
Be aware it takes an incredible long period to burn in tonearm wire using that tiny signal of the cartridge.
Typically Nordost ICs and speaker wire take 350 to 400 solid hours to run in.
Dealers will burn your tonearm wire in for a small fee, worth having it done.
What I'm getting at, if your tonearm wire isn't fully burnt in ,your not hearing all of what your table arm and cartridge can do. And it's not subtle
I found VPI tables in general dark sounding and for sure Cardas wire is dark sounding also, I would imagine the new rim drive have cleaned up the sound.
Using such a revealing wire this far up the signal chain has enormous advantages over most anything else available,
Also using more Nordost wire to your phonostage would be a good idea.
Just make sure it's fully burnt in before making changes within your system.