Music Hall MMF 7.1 Turntable. Good choice?

Cambridge 840A V2 Integrated Amp. Martin Logan Purity speakers. Cambridge 840C CD player. MIT cables.
Listen to classic rock, blues,and some jazz.
I have an MM7 and it is a great choice, so I can only predict that the 7.1 will be even better. And yes get a good phono pre.
The Music Halls are a good lower budget table, but I would encourage you to try a Rega - you will get a much bigger soundstage in particular, which in my opinion is one of the most important things in trying to recreate that "live" sound. A few months back I set up a head-to-head comparison in my home between a Music Hall 2.1 and a Rega P2, and the Rega blew it away in almost anyway you could measure it, musically speaking. Everyone who was there agreed. I will say that we also preferred the Music Hall to the Project tables, which is interesting since Project makes Music Hall. The Nottingham tables are also good, though the Rega's are a better value, price-wise.
I would say you could do better for the same $$. I had one, but got rid of it. To me, it sounded lazy, dull, lifeless.