07-23-08: Lwerner
Is not the entire platter part of "the direct drive" motor?, Hence, an awful lot of EMI (electro magnetic interference) swimming around that platter, Oh so close to that expensive magnetic cartridge? You decide.
One belt, motor on seperate plinth, free at last! free at last!
Typical audiophile-approved dogma with speculated theory but no substantiation. You have to pay between $3-5K to get a belt drive TT with as low an S/N, weighted or unweighted, as a $500 Technics SL12x0.
Every drive system has its strengths and weaknesses. What about the hysteresis inherent in a flexible belt drive system, or the side pull on the rotor bearing? You can sit in an armchair and point out design disadvantages in anything, but it is the implementation, not the design theory, that ultimately determines if something works well or not.
The EMI thing didn't put off Goldmund, Grand Prix, Teres, and some other direct drive entries in the high end.